There I was,looking for something smart to write about,and then I hear this quote.And it strikes me.Boom.I just thought this is so smart and deep and yeah,I went all "Why not?" on it.So,let me explain what I believe this wants to say,in my very own way,a lot sillier,less metaphorical and just plain.Still.
Have you ever thought about how we just expect a certain thing to happen,and always look for that thing in everything,just because we have already made a specific idea about the thing,and go all 'Well,that's how's supposed to happen,ain't it?' so that is what we set ourselves for.
We all look for that "black cat",if I may use this metaphor once again,in the room because we think that the cat is supposed to be there.We are expecting it to be,but it is hard to say whether it is or not,because the human eye is one easy thing to fool in the darkness,if one does not try to really see.
So this is what it really is.We look for the bad things(and I say this because black cats are supposed to be a symbol of bad-luck) in teh darkest of times.And we wait for them.And look for them.And search them wherever in reach.And we wait some more.
And it just ain't there.
We are foolish enough to trust in order to know what to expect from life,but truth is that we know nothing at all.We all have this crazy ideas of things and life,but they may be just as out of reach as the cat in the proverb.
And we may not even ever realise it.
Now tell me,ain't this sad?
Love always,
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